Getting prepared for a coffee fortune telling session

An essential requirement for a coffee fortune-telling is to prepare your cup.

Here is what you have to do step-by-step:

Step – 1:

Before anything else, don’t forget to enjoy your cup of Fortune Teller Coffee. To get the best taste, wait a minute for the coffee grounds in your cup to settle before taking your first sip.

Take slow and mindful sips to fully appreciate the rich and aromatic flavor of Turkish coffee.

Step – 2:

Once you have finished drinking, place the saucer on your cup and make a wish.

Step – 3:

While the saucer is on the cup, turn it anti-clockwise 3 times. Then quickly flip the cup over onto the saucer and let it rest.

Step – 4:

Then lay it down to wait for your cup to cool. To speed up this process, you can place your ring or a coin at the bottom of the cup. Check the cup as it gets cooler.

Step – 5:

When the cup is fully cold, lift your cup slowly and let the coffee sediments drop onto the saucer.

Step – 6:

Finally scan the QR code on your cup. You will be directed to a to me and I we can start our fortune-telling session.

Finally scan the QR code on your cup. You will be directed to a to me and I we can start our fortune-telling session.